The average house price on TURNBERRY CLOSE is £387,061
The most expensive house in the street is 5 TURNBERRY CLOSE with an estimated value of £472,960
The cheapest house in the street is 7 TURNBERRY CLOSE with an estimated value of £321,642
The house which was most recently sold was 4 TURNBERRY CLOSE, this sold on 29 May 2020 for £271,250
The postcode for TURNBERRY CLOSE is LS17 7TE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 TURNBERRY CLOSE Detached , 118 m2 £400,170 £323,750 12 Sep 2019
3 TURNBERRY CLOSE Detached , 93 m2 £354,824 £213,000 23 Aug 2013
4 TURNBERRY CLOSE Semi-Detached , 77 m2 £334,244 £271,250 29 May 2020
5 TURNBERRY CLOSE Detached , 99 m2 £472,960 £380,000 20 Jun 2019
6 TURNBERRY CLOSE Detached £438,529 £85,000 16 Jun 1997
7 TURNBERRY CLOSE Detached £321,642 £149,000 6 Jan 2004